Sunday, July 19, 2009

How to create aspnetdb database in sql server 2005-aspnet_regsql.exe,,membership tables,role

One of the most powerfull tool of is membership provider. is keeping membership tables and stored procedures etc by a database called aspnetdb.mdf which provides as a role provider,membership provider etc. The membership database is also using in webpart personalization. membership is using to manage users along with theire roles. For example administrator, student, teacher etc. 2.0 provides some controls like login, Create user wizard etc which are integrated to membership provider. Aspnetdb database can create by following some simple steps which all are explained in following. We can use aspnet_regsql command to create an aspnetdb database. Creating Aspnetdb database by using aspnet_regsql.exe 1. As a first step take start->all programs->Microsoft visual studio2005 or 2008 etc->Visual Studio Tools-> Visual Studio Command Prompt as shown in following 2 In the visual studio command prompt type as aspnet_regsql.exe. Press enter as below 3. When pressing enter the following screen will appear. Press next. 4 When clicking next it will show a screen called configure sql server for application service and this option is to create new aspnetdb database and to configure existing aspnetdb database. And the second option is Remove application service information from an existing database. The first option which says creates new aspnetdb database or configure existing aspnetdb database will be checked by default. To create new aspnetdb database you simply press next. 5. When pressing next the following screen will open. in this screen you have to specify the name of the server that means where to create aspnetdb database and name of your membership provider database. If you have nothing to change simply press next. 6. When pressing next the database summery screen will shown. This form will show your server name. And the name of your membership provider database. By default it will be aspnetdb. If you have anything to change you can go back and change else press next. 7. When clicking next the next form will be confirming creation of aspnetdb database as below. TACS LLC Dubai Time Attendance Dubai Access Control System Gate Barrier HRMS Solutions EID Reader Software EID Reader Building Maintanance UHF Reader Now you can open sql server and check whether your membership provider database have created or not
